Introducing the NEW Property Typing PORTAL

Your exciting introduction to our new typing portal- streamline your workday for good!

If there’s one ethos we believe in here at Property Typing, it’s that we’re here to help our dedicated building surveyors work smarter, not harder. It’s this same innovative thinking behind the launch of our brand new typing portal, the number one tool you’ve been waiting for to streamline and simplify the process of getting your work to (and from) your Property Typing typist. Here’s everything you need to know about the portal, it’s implementation and how to get started immediately. We’re sure you’ll love this fantastic new feature as much as we do.

What problems does the Property Typing typing portal solve?

We know by now that you are used to the super-fast, efficient and conscientious work you’ve been receiving from our dedicated team of typists. The nature of the internet, ISPs throttling the size of email attachments, slow load times on free hosting sites, and other time-wasting annoyances can sometimes make the process of getting your information to them in the first place a little frustrating, however. After all, while digital dictation is by far the most convenient way to store your notes, the file sizes generated can be quite large. Add to that any image scans and other files you need to get to us, and you’re dealing with a sizeable chunk of data. It’s also a messy, fragmented way to send data that doesn’t always lend itself to the cohesive bigger picture of your workload.

Our brand new typing portal helps  you avoid all of that, providing the perfect solution to optimising the transfer of your data and keeping all files for the job neatly centralised.

What benefits does the PT typing portal provide?

Access to the typing portal allows you to keep track of every job you have open with us, as well as monitor their individual progress online at any time. It also allows you to keep any templates you have set up with us updated to ensure that you and your typist are always on the same page with no confusion. These are then saved in your profile, able to be assigned to any new job you create in the click of a button.

The PT portal also offers you the ability to message your typist directly, keeping channels of communication flowing. You can send jobs (and receive completed jobs) no matter the time of day- the portal is open to you 24/7. You’re also able to view your reports, job history, invoices and account balance whenever you want.

Most importantly, of course, it gives you an accurate and dedicated way to share large files with us, bypassing the need for external services like Dropbox.

How do I use the Property Typing portal?

Firstly, you don’t have  to use the portal to create jobs with Property Typing (although you really will find it much more convenient). You will still be able to use email to send in your work. However, all clients will need to undergo a one-time sign-up process with the email address you want to use to communicate with us. This helps create your account and acts as an additional security check. If, after you have signed up, you prefer to send jobs by email, please use our email address to submit your work.

When you first pop onto our site, you’ll notice the ‘create an account’ option. Simply click on this to be taken to the first step of the process. You will enter your email, name and a password of your choice, and be taken straight to the portal. You can bookmark the page for easy reference later.

Using the PT Portal

Now you’re in, you’ll see your various tabs on the top right of the page. To create a new job, use the ‘jobs’ tab, fill in the property details, and you’ll see a handy button called ‘add files’ allowing you to upload all the relevant files your typist will need to complete the work. The blue status bar give you an indication of the progress of the upload. Once complete, all you need to do is ‘create’ and your job will be added to the queue!

There’s also a button on this page which will allow you to set the document format you just created as a template, if there’s a chance you will want to reuse it later. You can access these saved templates under the ‘template’ heading.

Once you reach the next page in the process of submitting your job (after you click ‘create’), you will see the option to add any comments you want to send directly to the typist. You will, in turn, receive a notification email when they reply.

You will be able to follow the process of the job through the status bar next to the work item on the ‘Jobs’ tab. Don’t worry when it disappears from ‘Open’… you’ll see the job marked as ‘complete’ on the ‘Closed’ tab! You will also receive a notification email with a ‘View Job’ button that will take you directly to the work your typist has done. From here you can download it, ready for you to check and approve.

The entire process couldn’t be simpler, from creating your account to opening your first job, monitoring it’s progress and receiving the finished goods. If you have any other questions about the Property Typing portal, or would like to chat over any other aspect of our submission setup, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Remember that we also offer a half-price trial for your first job, so you’re welcome to experience the Property Typing difference for yourself.

Thanks for reading. If you'd like to offload your property report typing, press here to check out how our typing service experts can save you time.